Colors are a longtime theme for me. Actually, it might had been colors which started my way into floristry.
My first teacher, Anna Lindner, always dressed in the most stunning colors, tied bouquets in color combinations I had never seen before, considering the country girl I was and still am.
She laid the foundation.
The FLORAL COLORS developed out of my 2 books, one written in 2001, the next in 2011.
Now a course system got developed.
21 courses, divided in Chapter A, B and C.

Chapter A

Main Colors. Detail Colors
Main Colors are the most obvious colors.
Detail colors are the surprisers.

Color Hopping
A unique approach to connect element to element across a design.

How the ingredients of a color can be read out of its notation.

Gradient Colors
Gradients are detail colors full of nuances.

Hue. Value. Chroma
The position of a color on the color globe defines its impact.

Test A
Verifying what was learned.

Proportions. Textures. Temperatures
The 3 components which influence a color.

Color Circle
About the Green as a revolutionary 4th elementary color.

Diploma A
Ending the chapter with a certificate of proficiency.
Chapter B
more soon

Neighbouring Colors
Time for Johannes Itten, his color circle, the color star and the very useful color chart
Chapter C
more soon
2 types of lessons
At my studio in Chigasaki, I will hold a 2 hours lecture in the morning, handing out lesson content as printouts and providing flowers.
After lunch, we work out designs according to the lesson theme, 1 hour is then added for your assignment. You will demonstrate and explain a workpiece made by yourself according to what you learned in the lesson before. Total a lesson of 5 hours.
On the ZOOM platform, I will hold a 2 hours lecture in the morning, sending lesson content as printouts and flowers ahead.
After lunch, we work out designs according to the lesson theme, 1 hour is then added for your assignment. You will demonstrate and explain a workpiece made by yourself according to what you learned in the lesson before. Very much like an in person lesson! Total a lesson of 5 hours.
21 lessons in 3 chapters.
After every 7 lessons a test occurs and a diploma will be issued.
3 diplomas in total, the course ends with a teaching certificate.
1 lesson costs ¥15.000 + tax
1 diploma costs ¥10.000 + tax
Students can join at any step.
Each lesson comes with plenty of study material in prints and of course with flowers.
As always in life, everything is connected to relationships. Rikuyosha Publishing asked me to write my first book, the second one was initiated by Gregor Lersch and Jürgen Potthoff.
The 3rd round now, the courses, came to live in Taiwan!
See, in Japan we say "okagesama" "it all happened thanks to you".
In Taiwan, the FLORAL COLORS courses are taught as active lively workshops: