who I am

Gabriele Kubo
1987 successfully finishing the Staatliche Fachschule für Blumenkunst Weihenstephan
1993 joining HANA AMI
coordinating the demonstrations and workshops of Gerhard Neidiger, Gregor Lersch, Detlef Klatt, Ursula Wegener, Annette Kamping and other European flower design teachers in Japan. Publishing books and magazine contributions. Guiding tours to Europe and teaching creative lessons in Japan.
1997 serving as a commentator on the main stage of IPM (International Plants Messe) in Essen, Germany
2001 creating the "Hana Ami BLUMENSCHULE" teaching concept together with Kazumasa Kubo
2003 writing the book “Hana Iro” “About the colors of Flowers”, Rikuyosha Publishing, Tokyo
2007 demonstration at Huis ten Bosch Bridal Bouquet Competition, Kyushu
2007/2008 producing the HANA AMI booth at the Essen IPM in Germany
2009 exhibition at the "Ehrisman House" for the Yokohama Yamate "Harmony of flowers and bowls" event
2010 leading the "Moss Tour" to Sweden
2011 launching the book "Systematic design with the Colors of Blossoms" in 3 languages
2013 being a judge of the floral contest "International Floral Art", of Stichting Publishing, Belgie.
2014 launching of GREENGABES, distributing Japanese design materials online
2015 exhibition at the "British House" for the Yokohama Yamate "Harmony of flowers and bowls" event
demonstration about colors for NIFA, Taiwan
2016 coordinating the Hana Ami Blumenschule exhibition in Yokohama
2017 "Artist in Nature" at Urnatur, Sweden
coordinating the second Hana Ami Blumenschule exhibition in Yokohama
teaching and demonstrating for NIFA, Taiwan
teaching for the Nihon Flower Design College in Tokyo, Takadanobaba
2018 working as an agent for Pernille Folcarelli, Denmark
coordinating the 3rd Hana Ami Blumenschule exhibition in Yokohama
teaching and demonstrating for FlowerTime, Taiwan
2019 teaching the FLORAL COLORS series for Leo Chung and his students in Ghuanzhou, China
2020 teaching the FLORAL COLORS courses for BotanirusLab and Chimin Tsao in Taipei, Taiwan
teaching the FLORAL COLORS online
developing new tools for refillable designs
2021 expanding the online teachings
2022 starting the FLORAL COLORS in Japan
starting the FOREST FLOWERS in Nojiri
2024 starting the FOREST FLOWERS in Kobuchizawa
Floristmeister Weihenstephan
Manager and Meister Instructor of the HANA AMI Blumenschule
Honor member of the Hana Ami Instructors' Society HAIS
Presenting Japanese materials at GREENGABES
I am coordinating the lessons of Gregor Lersch in Japan, while holding my own seminars and demonstrations in Japan, Taiwan and China. Creating and leading tours to Europe, as much as the Yen allows it.
I am teaching the Gartenkünstler AG at the German School, Tokyo/Yokohama.
Since 2020, HANA AMI is owned only by Kazumasa Kubo.
I am continuing to be in charge of the Hana Ami BLUMENSCHULE concept, taking care of the system and the teacher's welfare.
All fine.